Typical descriptions
Santos NY 2/3

Screen size 17/18, fine roast, strictly soft, fine cup

SSantos NY 4/5

Screen size 14/16, good raoast, strictly soft, good cup (sometimes referred to as ‘Swedish preparation’).

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Classification by defects

Group 1: 8 to 12 defects
Group 2: 35 to 60 defects

Commercial descriptions

Supremo: screen 17, high grade washed arabica, often specified with further details.
Excelso: Type ‘Klauss’: screen 16.5 for Germany
Type ‘Europa’: screen 15 for France, Spain, Italy
(Tolerance: 2.5% of beans between screens 12 and 15)
Type ‘Scandinavia’: screen 14 for Nordic countries
UGQ: ‘Usual Good Quality’: screen 14 for the US
(Tolerance: 1.5% of beans between screens 12 and 14)
Caracol: screen 12 (Tolerance: 10% of flat beans)

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Cote d’Ivoire
Classification by screen size

Grade 0: milled over screen 18 Tolerance: Max 6% below screen 18 Tolerance: Max 1% below screen 16
Grade 0: milled over screen 18 Tolerance: Max 6% below screen 18 Tolerance: Max 1% below screen 16
Grade 2: passing screen 16, milled over screen 14 Tolerance: Max 20% above screen 16 Tolerance: Max 6% below screen 14 Tolerance: Max 1% below screen 12
Grade 3: passing screen 14, milled over screen 12 Tolerance: Max 20% above screen 14 Tolerance: Max 6% below screen 12 Tolerance: Max 1% below screen 10
Grade 4: passing screen 12, milled over screen 10 Tolerance: 20% above screen 12 Tolerance: 6% below screen 10

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Typical description

Ethiopia Djimmah 5 UGC

The bulk of unwashed Ethiopian Arabicas, of which the major component is coffee from Kaffa and Illubabor regions. The liquor is plain indicating that good quality coffees are present in the mixture. Usually Good Quality refers to coffee of either Grade 3 (13-25 defects) or Grade 4 (26-45 defects).

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Typical description

Guatemala SHB EP Huehuetenango

Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) coffee is grown between 1,600 and 1,700 m a.s.l. (amongst the best coffees in the world: complete, full bodied taste, with an acid and fragrant cup), from the region of Huehuetenango.
EP refers to ‘European Preparation’ which is 100% above screen 15; allows a max. of 8 defects per 300g (by contrast an ‘American Preparation’ is 100% above screen 13, and allows 23 defects per 300g, but only for washed arabicas); clean cup.

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Typical description

India Arabica Plantation A

Washed arabica, screen 17. Shall be 'clean garbled' and not contain 'PB' subject to a tolerance of 2% by weight; can contain 2% by weight of 'triage'. Other classification systems apply to unwashed arabica and robusta.

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Classification by defects (robusta)

Grade 1: Total value of defects maximum 11 Grade 2: Total value of defects between 12 and 25 Grade 3: Total value of defects between 26 and 44 Grade 4a: Total value of defects between 45 to 60 Grade 4b: Total value of defects between 61 to 80 Grade 5: Total value of defects between 81 to 150 Grade 6: Total value of defects between 151 to 225

Type of defects and value

1 black bean (value 1)
2 partly black beans(value 1)
2 broken black beans(value 1)
1 husk coffee(value 1)
4 brown beans(value 1)
1 large husk fragment(value 1)
2 medium husk fragment(value 1)
5 small husk fragment(value 1)
10 beans in silverskin(value 1)
2 beans in parchement(value 1)
2 large parchment fragment(value 1)
5 medium parchement fragment(value 1)
10 small parchement fragment(value 1)
5 broken beans(value 1)
5 immature beans(value 1)
10 beans with one hole(value 1)
5 beans with more than one hole(value 1)
10 spotted beans(value 1)
1 large stick, piece of hard earth or stone(value 5)
1 medium stick, piece of hard earth or stone(value 2)
1 small stick, piece of hard earth or stone(value 1)

Regional or other details are sometimes specified, e.g. quality (EK1 - in Dutch = 'Eerst Kwaliteit' = first quality). Processing depends on the island of origin. There are no specifications regarding bean size

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Classification by defects (washed)

PB - Peaberries
AA - Screens: 17 and 18 = 7.2 mm
AB - Screens: 15 and 16 = 6.6 mm
C - Screens: 14 and 15
E – Elephant - when the beans separate during processing, they are chipped and called "Ears". This category also contains large "Peaberries".
TT - Light beans separated from AA and AB by air current
T - Smaller than TT, many fragments. Light beans separated from C by air current
UG - Ungraded: all that does not fit the specific criteria for each official grade

Classification by defects (natural)

PB - Peaberries
M'buni - Deteriorated beans, processed by the dry method
MH - M'buni Heavy = large beans
ML - M'buni Light = small beans

Typical description
Kenya AB FAQ fly crop

Kenya arabica grade AB, based on internal grading system above, fair average quality. There are 10 classes of Kenyan coffee dependent on cup quality, 1 being the best and 10 the poorest. Various descriptions include: Fine, Good, Fair to Good, Fair to average Quality (FAQ), Fair, Poor to Fair, and finally Poor. These classes and descriptions are becoming obsolete, and FAQ is the only one still commonly used. Main crop coffee is usually better than fly crop coffee.

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Viet Nam
Typical description

Viet Nam Grade 2 - 5% (max 5% blacks and brokens, max 1% admixture and pods, max 1% excelsa beans, max 13% moisture, 95% above 5mm.) Grade 2 out of six grades. Special Grade and Grade 1 to 5 are based on screen size and defects. Descriptions often include details on moisture content, acceptable mix of bean types, bean size, etc.

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Uganda Robusta ‒ natural or washed

Grade: SCREEN 18
Screen retention:18 = 92%, 15 = 7%, 12 = 1%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.5%

Grade: SCREEN 17
Screen retention:18 = 7%, 17 = 90%, 15 = 3%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.5%
Status: New grade

Grade: SCREEN 15
Screen retention:17 = 7%, 15 = 90%, 12 = 3%
Total defects:12%
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Status: Existing grade.
New screen distribution set up

Grade: SCREEN 14
Screen retention:15 = 10%, 14 = 85%, 12 = 5%
Total defects:10%
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Status: New Grade

Grade: SCREEN 13
Screen retention:15 = 13% 13 = 85%, 12 = 2%
Total defects:12%
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Status: New Grade

Grade: SCREEN 12
Screen retention:14 = 13% 12 = 85% >12 = 2%
Total defects:15%
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Status: Existing grade. Defects by count
lowered from 20% to 15%

Grade: BHP 1899
Screen retention:18 = Minimum 80%
Total defects:Sound bean tolerance = 15%
Extraneous matter = 2%
Stones & metals = 0%
Dust free
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%

Grade: BHP 1599
Screen retention: >18 = 10%, 15 = Minimum, 70%
Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 15%
Extraneous matter = 2%
Stones & metals =0%
Dust free
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Status: New Grade

Grade: BHP 1299
Screen retention: >15 = 10%, Retained above screen 12 = min 80%
Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 15%, Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%, Dust free
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Status: New Grade

Grade: BHP 1199
Screen retention: Below screen 12
Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 10%, Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%, Dust free
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%

Grade: BHP 10.13
Screen retention: Light & broken beans rejected at primary processing level
Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 10%, Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%, Dust free
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%

Grade: Black Beans
Screen retention: Black and discoloured beans sorted from export grades by hand or colour sorter.
Total defects:Sound bean tolerance = 3%, Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%

Grade: Certified Coffees (Organic, Utz, Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, 4Cs verified)
Screen retention:Cleaned and screened above screen 1400 (>14=90%)
Total defects: Maximum defects 12%
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%
Status: New Grade

Grade: Washed Robusta Ungrade
Screen retention: Screened above screen 1400.
Total defects: Maximum Defects 10%
Moisture content:Up to 12.5%

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Washed Uganda Arabica, Bugisu

Screen retention:17 = 90%, 16 = 8%, 15 = 2%
Total defects: 5%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%

Screen retention:16 = 90%, 15 = 8%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%

Grade: BUGISU A+
Screen retention:17 = 60%, 16 = 30 %, 15 = 8%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 5%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade

Screen retention:15 = 90%, 14 = 8%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 10%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%

Screen retention:15 = 80%, 14 = 15%, 12 = 5%
Total defects: 10%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%

Screen retention:17 = 8%, 16 = 60%, 15 = 30%, 14 = 2%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade

Screen retention:15 = 60%, 14 = 38%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade

Screen retention:Consists of defects sorted out of the export grades by hand or colour sorters
Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 10% Extraneous matter = 2% Stones & metals =0%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: Exportable undergrade

Washed Uganda Arabica, Mt. Elgon (new)

Grade: Mt Elgon AA
Screen retention:17 = 90%, 16 = 8%, 15 = 2%
Total defects: 5%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade
Remarks: Only for coffee from Bugisu and Sebei area around the Mt Elgon, No primary defects, 5-8 secondary defects, 0-3 quakers in 100gms roasted coffee, Minimum score 80 points on the SCA cupping scale.

Grade: Mt Elgon A+
Screen retention:17 = 60%, 16 = 30%, 15 = 8%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 5%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade
Remarks: Mixture of AA&A of coffee from Mt Elgon, No primary defects, 5-8 secondary defects, 0-3 quakers in 100gms roasted coffee, Minimum score 80 points on the SCA cupping scale.

Grade: Mt Elgon A
Screen retention:16 = 90%,, 15 = 8%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade
Remarks: Only for coffee from Bugisu and Sebei area around the Mt Elgon, No primary defects, 5-8 secondary defects, 0-3 quakers in 100gms roasted coffee, Minimum score 80 points on the SCA cupping scale, Tolerance of up to 3% screen 17

Other Arabicas washed or natural (Wugar or Drugar)

Grade: AA
Screen retention:17 = 90%, 16 = 8%, 15 = 2%
Total defects: 5%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade

Grade: A
Screen retention:16 = 90%, 15 = 8%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade
Remarks: Tolerance of up to 3% retained by screen 17

Grade: B
Screen retention:15 = 90%, 14 = 8%
Total defects: 10%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade

Grade: PB
Screen retention:15 = 80%, 14 = 15%, 12 = 5%
Total defects: 10%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade

Grade: AB
Screen retention:17 = 8%, 16 = 60%, 15 = 30%, 14 = 2%
Total defects: 7%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade

Grade: CPB
Screen retention:15 = 60%, 14 = 38%, 12 = 2%
Total defects: 10%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New Grade
Remarks: Zero tolerance of A and AA

Screen retention: Light & broken beans rejected from the processing lines
Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 10%, Extraneous matter = 2%, Stones & metals = 0%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: Existing undergrade

Screen retention: Natural and Washed Arabica defect beans rejected from gravity table, sweepings, and sorting
Total defects: Sound bean tolerance = 10% Extraneous matter = 2% Stones & metals = 0%
Moisture content: Up to 12.0%
Status: New grade


Tanzania Coffee grades includes AA, A, B, PB, C, E, F, AF, TT, UG and TEX

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