
Who We Are?

Coffee Farm Dubai is a global coffee hub who supplies coffee from sources to various destinations globally.Trade with good faith and practice is our basic policy to support coffee chain from end to end. Coffee samples are cupped, graded and judged by our experts using the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) and Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) coffee cupping protocols.

We provide platform for producers & buyers, aiming to expand new trade networks and strengthen existing business relationships, to set up direct business to business (B2B) connections, cup, showcase and promote their coffees and trade at a competitive price. Strategically located at Dubai and with immense coffee belt networks across the globe, Coffee Farm Dubai becomes the best choice for Coffee manufactures to find their absolute beans to cater their end customers. Travelling and exploring different regions of coffee gives our experts more exposure to the green coffee beans we procure and spending time with farming communities in which we exchange the knowledge of cultivation sustainability and new trends at coffee market.

Wake Up Your Tasty Buds


Arabica tends to have a smoother, sweeter taste, with flavour notes of chocolate and sugar. They often also have hints of fruits or berries. Robusta, on the other hand, has a stronger, harsher and more bitter taste, with grainy or rubbery overtones.

Arabica beans have an aromatic taste and often have fruity or floral notes These tend to be more sweet or sour than bitter. Coffee from 100% Arabica beans is seen by many as perfect thanks to its refined taste. The soil on which the coffee bean grows (terroir) strongly influences the taste of the coffee. For example, an Arabica bean from Brazil has very different flavor accents than an Arabica bean from Ethiopia.


From Bean To Cup


Robusta coffee tastes earthy and is often said to have a bitter, rubbery/grain-like flavor, with a peanutty aftertaste. Robusta beans have a strong, round taste. The flavors vary from cereal to woody and are more bitter than sour.

You hardly ever find coffee from 100% Robusta beans, as this would be much too bitter in terms of taste. Robusta is often added to a blend, because the fat content of the bean provides a nice crema and Robusta can add the right bitterness and some extra caffeine to a coffee blend. The taste of Robusta beans also depends strongly on the country of origin.

Robusta Coffee is coffee made from the beans of the Coffea canephora plant, the origins of which are in Africa. Robusta coffee is notoriously bitter and is used primarily in instant coffee, espresso, and as a filler in certain blends of ground coffee